Monday 9 May 2016

Group assignment 2

Creative Studies/ Creative & Innovative Skills
                                Group assignment 2 
  • Aziz Mohammed Abdulrahman            110046969
  • Ashraf Dolfaqar ALjanedi                    110045704
  • Yunes taha Hussein alhamdani             110046876
  • Mohammed nabil swileh                          110046990
  • Huseein Saleh Omar Ba mahdi              110039121

     Logical Mind Map (Leadership)

Logical mind map

                                                         Logical focus mind map

                                      Logical Mind Map (LUCT)

Myself as a Leader at LUCT

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a leader? Everyone dreams of becoming a leader in something in his or her life. There are many rules that must be recognized by us or by those who are willing to become successful leaders or role models for others through collective action along with the help of co-workers, friends, family and relatives. The leader must help people in making smart decisions to get to the social success. There are many steps the person has to follow to become an effective leader.
First of all, to begin your path to leadership, you have to have faith in yourself and decide the purpose of your leadership and think about what you love to do every day to feel happy and contented. At the same time, you have to learn new things every day to achieve your dreams and climb the ladder of success. As it is always good to have extensive knowledge in what you want to do and also in other sciences, this should be in the list of your priorities because this has a positive effect on your daily life and the lives of the people around you. In short, it should be your personal vision to gain expertise and extensive knowledge to be a successful leader in the future.
Moreover, establish yourself as dependable. Today’s business environments need reliable problem-solvers. The more you become dependable more your stature grows as a recognized leader.
Furthermore, Resourcefulness is the next crucial step. Being able to know or find the answers to problems will always be valued. Also, making yourself available always gets the attention of upper management. The importance of data sometimes defines the success of the operation. However, all business systems still depend on human interaction. The best way is to take some time for your decisions before giving a response. This method makes people more reassured in the solution of the questions that they face, beside that you as a leader have to sympathize with people in this situation. Later on, after you find the solutions, you can look for other solutions in the Internet, books as you can also ask people who are older than you with a wider knowledge. Then, you have to compare these solutions with your solutions, if you find that the other solutions are better or closer to solve the problem, then you have to recognize and accept this comparison. This will help you as a leader to learn and understand many new things and make the pool of your knowledge deeper and this will also help you in learning how to help people around you.
Also, as a leader, you must be a good listener and communicator. You can’t do this if you are always talking! Listening to the ideas of colleagues may generate new ideas while building up your confidence. Leading brainstorming sessions are essential in this process.
Besides, through your way as a leader you have to respect the human relationships, appreciate it and also understand the exchange of the knowledge, innovations and creations between people for getting better experiences and learning more new things, this will help in cohesion of the human relations.
As a leader, the position or seniority level you are at should not have any influence on your attitude with your subordinates or group members, your role is to guide people share ideas to gain more knowledge, experience and capacity to connect with people and solve complex issues. Always try to be creative and unique in your work.
Human approach is important. Make yourself approachable to your peer group as well as your junior colleagues. A good leader is appreciated by colleagues because they believe in him and his abilities. Listening to your colleagues’ problems, whether personal or work-related, and attempting genuinely to solve them, gains their respect which is the mark of a good leader and enhances your reputation as a team player and a great motivator.
Moreover, Leading from the front. You can’t assert yourself as a leader unless you can lead from the front in any sort of conceivable business situation. This is the basic quality of a leader around which all things develop. This step requires a definite level of maturity that prevents you from jumping into easier and hasty decisions. Recognize that not all of the decisions that you will be asked to make will be easy. An evolved manager should avoid being emotional when he or she has to discipline a co-worker or subordinate. Your actions must be justifiable and must be a step toward company goals.
A leader has to believe that experience and personal qualifications are very important for leadership. Emotional intelligence is one of the key factor of leadership. Without emotional intelligence, a person can have best training, analytical mind, an incisive, and a lot of smart ideas. There is a strong relationship between emotional intelligence and effective performance on the job. Self – awareness, self – regulation, empathy, social skills, and motivation are skills of emotional intelligence.
In the end, leadership can mean many things to different people, but moral purpose in leadership should be based on fairness, ethics and integrity. I believe fairness can have multiple meanings to different people. Most of the leadership styles place others at the centre and create followers who will be able to lead. This is a goal you will set for yourself as a leader. Your leadership style does not fall into one particular style, but a mixture of participative classes. You have to believe that leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile and the achiever will take satisfaction from being productive. The best leaders get their orders obeyed because they too are obeying. Sincerity more than aggressiveness is a quality of leadership. Through the hard working, sharing information, planning and learning you have risen to become a leader.

Random Words Association

Learning lessons, reading books, understanding information
Limkokwing provided enjoyable environment for creative and quality education


One of the most important factors to enter the Internet.
The university’s state-of-the-art computer labs are used for learning, assignments and research. Each faculty has dedicated labs running hardware and software tailored to its needs.

Are the things around or conditions in which a person, plant lives, animals or
Operates.Limkokwing Trying to provide the best learning environment for

Is an activity that is meant purely for amusement and not meant to have any serious or malicious purpose they have a lot of activities that make study enjoyable and fun at the same time

A library is a collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing
The Limkokwing campus comes equipped with professional facilities that include an eLibrary with a collection of more than 20,000 books, thousands of journals, periodicals and articles. It's a one-stop reference center for students

While others are playing games, Chia Wei Jie student in Limkokwing is making them.

Popular style young women chatted endlessly about the latest fashion.
Limkokwing introducing the world’s first fashion label created by students for students

A shape is a specific form, a particular condition, the outline of something you can see even when you cannot clearly make out what it is, or to a something cut out of 


In this picture it shows that there is a great view when entering student or a group of people to the university limkokwing .the university and drums director indicate that anyone important welcome its fulfillment meet several members of the students and marketing people   to welcome the distinguished guests to the famous in Asia, limkokwing university and welcoming be distinctive and the same when the drums are the drums sound very cool take you to the second world but the instruments are very old  so limkokwing university has to buy new modern music instruments to make the welcoming more interesting.

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